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Brekeriet Beer

Brekeriet tells the story of the three brothers Ek; Fredrik, Christian and André. With different backgrounds in business and food engineering.  They decided to team up and start a beer import firm in the spring of 2010. Their future goal was set from the start – to start a brewery of their own. The dream came true in the fall of 2012 when their first batch was brewed in Djurslöv outside of Malmö.

In the spring of 2015 they started to search for larger facilities to start a bigger brewery. In September the same year they brewed their first 20hL batch with a brand new brewing equipment in newly renovated facilities in Landskrona.

In March 2017 they hired their first “step brother” to the Ek family, Amadeus. With a background as a chef and as a brewer, he now works as a brewer and product developer at Brekeriet.

In October 2018 it was time for the next “step brother” to be hired, Tobias. Tobias is a former sushi chef who studies to become a brewer. At Brekeriet he’s working as a brewer and product developer together with Christian and Amadeus.

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