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Lost + Found

We have an overriding philosophy that guides our culture and sits at the heart of everything we do.


Which is... To make the best contribution we possibly can to our industry, through pursuit of excellence in everything we do. To make beers that challenge and excite, no-compromise beers designed to delight. To keep experimenting and searching and never stand still. To always use the freshest, finest and most ethical ingredients we can obtain, in line with what mother nature demands. To share the love of this craft with as many people as we can. And of course, to have as much fun as possible along the way. This is why we brew after all!


We go about this manifesto in many ways, but it all stems from the earliest of days, when Lost+Found was a mere 5 gallon brew-lab finding its way in the world. Located in a townhouse garage in the heart of Brighton, we would brew and brew and then brew some more. Splitting and cascading batches as we went through the process, in order to find new and perfect combinations of malt, hops and yeast, with the aim of making fantastic beer we could stand behind and proudly share with our family of friends.

Nothing has changed in that respect. The same applies today as it did in those fledgling days (and nights, fiddling with temperature controls on a hijacked hotpoint fridge). We still strive to push the boundaries of our craft. We are still on that intrepid journey of unlimited possibilities. We still ask the questions - what if we try this and this or even this!?! (ok, maybe not that)


We have the same approach to exploration now as we did then. The same commitment to creativity and precision. Which is why we continue to pilot brew and acid test every drop we create to let only the best of the best make it through to a commercial release.


Our commercial releases (R#'s) are the result of this explorative R&D. When we have a beer that we feel is too good to not share, it makes it onto our larger 100 Hectolitre kit and eventually out into the public domain. 


Since the spring of 2019, this takes place in our new home at De Proef Brewery in Belgium, which is home to a few of Europe’s finest breweries. Working alongside the team over there has brought a new level of possibility and opened up the spectrum of what we can produce. It’s nice to know that we actually don’t know what’s next out of the tanks. It’s how it all started and it feels like we are back in our flow, right where we want to be.


Alongside this is a new partnership with Beer 52, who bring black-belt levels of operational expertise and infrastructure to the table. Not to mention actual veins and capillaries filled with DDH imperial stout. This working relationship has widened our reach, so we can now get consistently great beer out to a wider audience than ever before, which has always been our wish. But most importantly it has created a platform for the brewery to keep asking questions around what is possible next.


Whatever way we go, we are certain of one thing. We are on a fantastic journey and we would love you to join us and come along for the ride.



Everyone @Lost+Found

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