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Our Hop City Weekend...


Firstly, apologies for the delay in writing this blog, it seems to have been a bit crazy since Hop City weekend! As you can see from the amount of beer that has landed at the PH headquarters...

So to kick things off we started our jubilee holiday on the Thursday with a massive family gathering. As you can see from the amount of food in the picture below it was a pure feast! We actually kept it quite light and enjoyed a few gins as we knew we had a hoppy weekend ahead...

Now to Friday where the parties began...first in our street to celebrate the wonderful Queen's reign! The first street get together we had since moving here and it was great. Meeting some new neighbours who came in the pandemic too whom we didn't get chance to get to know yet. We brought a big array of beers to the party including a mixture of Lagers, IPAs, Sours and Pale Ales. Some enjoyed their craft beer, where others it was their first time sampling them so we kept it on the lower abv end. A stand out one for us in particular was Vault City's Peach & Mango Session Sour. So so refreshing and very light which meant you could drink plenty of it! It wasn't too sour either if that makes sense...some don't enjoy a sour being too tart, it was a great balance and would highly recommend! We still have some available to purchase here. Another one was the new North Brewing x Ren Min TFG. Rhubarb, Blackberry & Raspberry...it was delightful! Rhubarb in a sour is fantastic but the flavour combo was brilliant. And finally we enjoyed our second can of No Day For A Do, Rivington. It's been that popular that we have had it in twice already and its sold out within a couple of days. Think it's going to be one of our beers of the year for sure. Topical vibes with Nelson Sauvin...beeaauuutiful.

Friday evening was following with a meet up at our local Amity Brew. We enjoyed their new Waterpistol (a slight recipe change). It's really great and due in hopefully in the next couple of days. As well as enjoying their own beer, we enjoyed a bottle share there with our lovely friends. Henrik came for the weekend from Sweden which was a true delight. Our friend Nath surprised him by coming up a day early. Plus Jack, Rohit & Dave are all local and had a crazy amount of beer to try including some highlights of the weekend from Horus Brewing & Bokke.

Next to Hop City Day! We chose the day session and our friends Ramneek, Harj, Andy, Neil & David all joined the rest of us to celebrate beer and hops! The festival was great as always but it was noticed there was a lot less beer to break up the hops. Usually a bit more of a choice of sours/stouts. However it was still great. We got to meet so many of you there, it was so much fun. Felt like we didn't get enough time to enjoy beers with many of you including our brewery pals so definitely need to do it again soon. Some highlights of the day include surprisingly Smooj! They are exactly what they say...a hard seltzer that tastes like a hard smoothie. It was extremely popular and the tropical one was our favourite by far. Scrhamms Mead Bottles were also a surprise hit as you either love or hate Mead! Overtone were fantastic, a true highlight. Finally getting to meet Karan was a true treat and his passion for beer was so lovely to hear. Makes you enjoy their amazing beer even more. Equals PI (verdant & track collab), also went down very well, no wonder we sold out! Plus it was the first time we tried Third Moon Brewing. The Bone Trill (TIPA) was Ramneek's favourite and it sure was a delight to try, a refreshing surprise as most TIPA's don't carry that vibe. Myself and Rohit's highlight was definitely meeting Fidens themselves. Unfortunately we couldn't get chance to catch them for long as the queues were understandably massive. We are huge fans. Get Baked were also there highlighting some of their bakery treats and we were ecstatic to be able to finally try them! Definitely get yourself to the Bakery when it's back open as its under refurb at the mo. 


We followed Hop City with an awesome to trip to Bundobust. We've never had a bad experience, best place to eat in Leeds by far! Thank you for accommodating us and the fantastic service as always.

After this we headed to North City Tap. Here we actually tried the new Schofferhoffer Pineapple! Delish!!! We are trying really hard to get it in but it's only available in kegs right now. Soon as we can get it, we will be letting you know!

We finished our evening in Friends Of Ham where we enjoyed some real beauts. Tilquin Gueze was a highlight for us all, it always is. Such a beautiful beer and something you can sip away and enjoy the company of your great friends. By this time myself and Rohit were definitely ready for our beds so we headed back home whilst the others carried on for a couple of more hours. 

Check our latest TikTok video for highlights and pictures of that weekend. 

On the Sunday we enjoyed a trip out to Sea Life World at The Trafford Centre in Manchester. Beautiful and calming, the kids had a blast plus a surprise visit from Peppa Pig!

The evening followed a few more sneaky drinks at home with Henrik before he went back to get ready to pack to fly home to Sweden. 

The weekend was brilliant, we enjoyed seeing so many people, our children, family and friends all had such a good time and the weather was on our side luckily. 

There's plenty more festivals coming this summer right through to September so give us a shout if your around, or come join us for a beer.

Thank you as always for your continued support and hope you enjoyed this blog!

Until next time!


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