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Kicking off March 2022...

Yup, it's March, already!

So today's blog covers, what we've been up to, what we've been drinking, updates on our mailers and most importantly the results of our Ukraine Emergency Appeal...


What is happening right now in this world, in the 21st century is just devastating. We can't help but think of our young family and what would we do if we were in that situation. It's a blessing we live in such an amazing country, so we felt we had to do something. When choosing where to send the money, through one of our friends Laura who's family is a massive part of the Ukrainian community here, told us that financial aid was the most important right now. Myself & Rohit wanted to aid those in Ukraine itself. The Emergency Ukraine Appeal are working with those directly in Ukraine, including those injured in combat for medical supplies, food packages to those who are unable to get out and warm clothing to those stuck in air raid shelters. In total we have raised £375. Thank you to all those who placed orders in the five days and to those of you who donated too. We know many of you have already donated to other charities/fundraisers helping Ukraine, and we are just so happy we can all pull together to aid humanity. PREMIER HOP STANDS WITH UKRAINE.

Onto a lighter note...on Friday it was Adam Blaszczyk's leaving doo at Cloudwater. If you didn't know, Adam was the head of sales there, but he was more than that, a key member in growing Cloudwater to where it is today. However, he's not moving too far away! He's heading to Track across the road, much to Connor's delight who has assured us their daily lunch time walks will still be going ahead! It was really nice to meet some of the other members of the awesome Cloudwater team who we normally only liaise via email. Faces to names is always great, even better when beer is involved! Adam, is a great friend of ours and it was actually nice to go enjoy a few with our good friend and see laughter amongst the darkness of the world right now. Paul was whipping out some belter barrel aged stouts, and let's just say by the time we left, it was messy! Adam, we wanted to say thank you for all your hard work for us and the industry as a whole. We get on as friends, because we are like-minded individuals who work hard, but enjoy kindness and great friendships amongst the industry. We knew you were meant for even greater adventures than the one you've already been on, and Track, you've gained a true treasure.

So that's enough of the soppy stuff...haha. We were kindly gifted a can of the new 'Chubbles!' Yup, its back and incoming this week...it was only canned four days ago so it did have a little hop burn, but this didn't take away from the fantastic flavour too much. Can't wait to try it again once it's rested a bit. DELISH!

Green Cheek's infamous 'Swim Test,' is another juicy belter we enjoyed. Our friend Andy kindly got us this as the ones we had all sold out. A repeat in our fridge which we enjoy every time. We felt the pineapple and passionfruit shone through the most in terms of tropical notes. The colour of the beer speaks volumes, you know it's gonna be good when it looks as beautiful as this!

OG's Axe, Fidens was our final beer. PLENTY OF HAZE...loved it. A tropical sensation with a juicy mango end. Our first Fidens in a long time, we can see why there is hype! The glass is great too right?! Still available to purchase here.

As many of you may know we've been creating all sorts of new fun lately including our new TikTok profile. Our latest video was uploaded today on there highlighting the fun antics of our weekend so feel free to check it out here if your wanting something to make you smile!

And finally, our mailers...we have been working very hard on keeping all our customers happy. Whether this is through exclusivity for a majority of our stateside beers through our stateside raffles for Saves Box Customers, or special discounts for our regular website customers. Yesterday, we trialled sending an exclusive stateside link to existing email subscribers to the site. The beer purchases were only for website customers. Initially it worked really well, then we realised many of you didn't see our notice on our social media platforms in December. We announced to re-sign up to the new website due to the database from our old site not having transferred over properly. This in turn ended up in hundreds of messages/emails throughout the day getting you all signed up to the mailer. Think, we've just about managed to reply to everyone. However, if you haven't signed up or signed up before December 1st 2021, then please get in touch via a message on social media or email us to sales@premierhop.co.uk and we will get it sorted. We will be working with the mailers a lot more. We do tend to announce a lot of things on our social media platforms so please check those as often as you can by switching notifications on or by checking out our stories. 

On that note, thank you as always for taking the time to read our blog. We have had great feedback from our older blogs and will continue to keep you updated as much as we can. Oh by the way, we also got Hop City tickets for the Saturday day session, if anyone is around please come say hey!

Until next time, Hema & Rohit xx

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